Tuesday, December 23, 2014

4a) Make a final decision about your logical argument research topic. What is it? Questions to ask yourself:  

What have we been studying in class this year? we been studying factual and non factual websites. we been studying the importance and non importance of things in life as well. 
Which subjects appeal to me?  -college research because it is applying us to be college ready and is giving us skills we will need in every day life and for our writing. it also opens up our minds and makes us think deeper. 
What are people writing about?  -people are writing about topics they feel are important and need to be more addressed and taken seriously.  
What's most interesting to me?  - seeing other peoples thoughts and ideas about a topic is most interesting to me because this may change my mind and open my mind to new ideas. 
Can I find information about that? no

4b) Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected? 

i am most interested in drunk driving because it is a major danger that is increasing in the world. many people are losing their life and don't understand the real danger of driving under the influence. many young teenagers are now driving and are getting behind the wheel of a car intoxicated. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Critical Thinking & Analysis

Drunk Driving:

  1. Should states adopt stricter penalties for drivers who refuse to take a BAC test? Why or why not?     - they should have stricter penalties for drivers ho refuse to take the BAC test. they should have stricter penalties because if they aren't drinking then they should have no problem taking the test. if they are intoxicated and are refusing the BAC test then they should have a penalty for this because it is a crime and either way if they are intoxicated they are going to get caught. 
  2. Should laws be enacted that require ignition-interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders? Why or why not?   -yes laws should be required for an insert of an interlock device in cars for all convicted drunk drivers and offenders. this will help stop drunk driving. with the interlock device it will help stop accidents and the death of people due to driving intoxicated. 
  3. Do you think DUI checkpoints should be used more often and in more places? Explain.  -yes DUI check points should be used in more places. i believe a lot of people take the chance of driving drunk and it shouldn't be allowed period. i believe the alcohol contact should be lowered as well because if you are drinking one beer or alcoholic beverage it is still in your system and has an effect on you. 
  4. Describe other measures you think could be implemented to reduce drunk driving.  -cops can hold checkpoints in certain areas after a certain time to check for drunk drivers. i also believe they should lower the DUI alcohol count because one alcohol drink does has an impact on a person. 

Racial Discrimination:

  1. Why is racism so rife in the world?  -racism is so rife in the world because Racism is based on the belief that physical characteristics account for differences in character and ability, and that a particular race is superior to another. Now a days people face racism on a daily basic with "jokes" that aren't really jokes by being segregated in work environments and etc. 
  2. How should racial discrimination be addressed?  - racial discrimination should be addressed through young kids and during childhood. i believe we the people and society should address this at this time because this is the time where we learn and see the truth and can believe things for ourself. if we are taught at a young age that everyone is equal because we are equal then there will be less discrimination. 
  3. Has the United States done enough to address the historical injustices to African Americans, Native Americans and other groups? If not, what needs to be done?  -i believe there are doing a lot and can keep doing a lot.they started a argument in the united states trying to fight against racism which is good. i believe if people stick up for themselves and keep talking then they can eventually overcome racial discrimination. 

Teenager Suicide:

  1. Should schools provide screening for mental illnesses and suicidal tendencies?  - i don't believe that teenager suicide needs to be screened for a mental illness. i believe that it is a lack of attention or a disability in the mind (depression). i don't believe teenagers should be screened for a mental illness unless this isn't their first attempt. many teenagers due this because they are depressed and have no one to turn to. it is hard for teenagers to have a tuff situation that they feel they have to face on their own . i believe if people give more attention to teenagers who are down and depressed they will save many lives just by talking to them and giving them that care. 
  2. What other steps can society take to limit the number of teen suicides?   -society can stop putting pressure on teenagers. they can stop making teenagers feel like it is important that they become what the ideal teenager society has portrayed for them. if teenagers are offered more social interaction task in life then i believe this will be a step in preventing teenagers to committing suicide. i believe teenagers need to feel cared and comfortable with the people in their schools and in their society for them to be able to talk and come out about their problem rather than jumping to conclusion and committing suicide. 
  3. Is increased pressure in the school environment to blame for increased suicide rates?   -i believe that school environment pressure can contribute to the blame for increased suicide. i believe this because school is very stressful and very demanding for teenagers especially for applying for college. i don't think this can make one student just be the affect for their suicide. there has to be other problems that add to this for them to really get overwhelmed. 
  4. Is the decline of the traditional family to blame for increased suicide rates?  -i believe family and traditional values have a 80 percent affection rate. i believe this because people look forward to hanging out with the family and spending time with them on the holidays. i believe that family has a major effect on teenager because they are around them more than anyone and if they don't feel comfortable with their family this can really depress them. 
  5. Are mental and/or substance abuse disorders contributing factors to suicide?   -yes mental and substance abuse disorders does contribute to the factors of suicide. i believe when a person gets abused verbally it ha a major toll on a person. a lot of people are scared to stick up for themselves and dont know how to tell someone off when getting verbally abused. when a person is verbally abused it stays in their head no matter if they received a apology. it is a word that is said and is repeated in their head daily because they were hurt from what was said.

Gay Rights:

1. should gay and lesbians be allowed to adopt children?   -yes i believe gay and rights should be allowed to adopt children. they should be allowed to adopt children because they are normal people like everyone else and deserve to be happy and have a family. they should be able to adopt because they deserve the same opportunities and experiences. 
2. should gay and lesbians be granted the same rights as heterosexuals?  -yes i believe everyone is equal and deserve the same opportunities
3. should gays be allowed to serve openly in the military?  - yes gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly in the military. it shouldn't matter who or what they like because it is work. in the work zone i believe it shouldn't matter who or what you like. i believe the military is a serious place and anyone should be allowed to be involved in it as long as they are health and able to physically work and be involved.  
4. are more laws needed to protect the rights of transgender people?  -yes i believe there should be more laws to protect the rights of gays and transgender. i believe that there just as equal as everyone else and they shouldn't be discriminated.  there should be more laws to protect them because they get discriminated and bullied for who they are. it shouldn't be a problem who they are. 
5. should same sex marriage be allowed?  - they should be allowed to marry and have their own family. they should be allowed to marry because they deserve the same opportunity as others. 
6. should the employment non-discrimination act (ENDA) be passed to end sexual orientation and gender identify discrimination at work?  - yes absolutely the ENDA should be past because they shouldn't be singled out or discriminated. it is very important to me that they dont get discriminated because they are the same as everyone else and shouldn't be treated other wise. 

Dating rape/violence:

  1. How can the use of cell phones contribute to dating violence and harassment?   -cell phones can contribute to violence and harassment. cell phones are a weapon. they allow kids and teenagers to stay in contact with  each other not that this is a bad thing but it is a problem if you friend turns into a enemy and once one person has your number it is very easy for others to get your number as well. a cell phone can lead to violence because now a cell phone can do just about anything. a cell phone leads to social media websites and this leads kids and teenagers to sign up for these social media websites. this can affect and lead to violence and harassment because it is on the internet where everyone can see everyone business and talk to anyone world wide. a lot of times people lead to meeting each other and over the web you can be anyone but in person you can be a totally different person. 
  2. Why do some girls stay in abusive relationships?   - some girls stay in abusive relationships because they don't have anyone to talk to or are scared to be alone. girls are scared of the outcome as well. they are scared due to threats and the fear of being alone. girls also may stay in a abusive relationship because they are scared that their next relationship may be worse. girls are naive and don't see that they are getting abused. most girls stay because they fear due to threats and because they love the person that they are in the relationship with. 
  3. What can be done to educate teens and their parents about the warning signs of dating violence?    -i don't believe there is much that can be done but they should be taught the signs of dating violence. the only thing they can really do is talk about it and realize it can happen to anyone not just them and they have to keep there eyes open and not be afraid to stick up for themselves. 
  4. Do you think the prevalence of sexual content in the media contributes to dating violence? Why or why not?    -yes i feel the internet and social media has a major affect on sexual content and dating violence. i feel that the internet portrays people to be drawn to sexual content and this may lead to people fighting about it in there relationship. the social media portrays how things should be and how the society wants things in a relationship. 

For and against:

1. There are many reasons for people to be against drunk driving. one reason is that it is very dangerous. Drunk driving puts your and other peoples lives in danger and can lead to very bad accidents. Being drunk and walking is bad just imagine someone driving. when you drive drunk you don't see the same you see double and blurry. Drunk driving shouldn't be allowed it kills people and seriously injury's people.

2.Racial discrimination is something people are against because everyone is equal and should be viewed equally. Racial discrimination also causes world wide problems and world fights/wars. This is  something to be against because it is a serious issue everyone takes as a joke and is not taken serious which is a major problem. Discrimination leads to many other problems that can be personal. people get bullied due to racial discrimination.

3. Teenage suicide is a topic that is to be against. Teenage suicide should be prevented because it isn't handled. I am definitely against teenage suicide because it isn't   right that teenagers cut there life off due to an issue that wasn't handled. Teenage suicide is a problem that can be stopped. many times people do this because of lack of attention and because of problems (bullying).

4. Gay rights people can be for or against. many people are against because it isn't the moral thing in society to see the same sex married. me personally i believe that if you are happy you should be able to marry or be with whoever you want. gay rights should be allowed because we are all human beings and are all the same. they deserve the normal life and rights that Americans have.

5. Dating rape/ violence is something everyone should be against. this is a problem that isn't really handled and isn't really known. many people are scared to face the face and come out with this type of violence. it should be against because  no one deserves to be miserable  in a relationship when they don't have to be in that relationship. everyone has a choice in life and they should be able to get out if they need to.