Tuesday, November 25, 2014

5 topics that interest me:

1. drunk driving is a topic that interest me. This interest me because i have experienced a tragic accident with a drunk driver. i feel that there are a lot of new drivers on the road that are young and drunk driving is going to be a major problem. In the last few years a lot of people have been ding due to drunk drivers. driving drunk is something that can be stopped easily. everyone should know not to drive drunk because you are putting your life as well as others in serious danger. many innocent people get hurt and killed due to intoxication. Drunk driving is a major topic i am into because people should never make that decision to put themselves in that seat behind the wheel when they can simply walk or catch a cab and everyone can be safe.

2.Racial discrimination is another major topic that interest me. this topic interest me because so many people judge others for who they simply are. i believe that racial discrimination shouldn't be aloud. many people judge others for some stupid actions people do. this is a major problem now a days because kids are growing up learning to dislike others just because of there background. i personally feel everyone is equal and has an equal opportunity of doing things. kids shouldn't be taught at a young age to dislike each other if they should be taught about liking and disliking a person it should always be liking a person because were all the same. it is one thing to judge a person because they are a murder but even at that everyone makes mistakes and does stupid things. it isn't okay for people to get away with things but it isn't okay for people to be discriminated for who they are.

3. Another topic that interest me is teenager suicide. teenage suicide has been a big issue lately. many teenagers come to this because they have lack of attention or have a traumatic past of being bullied. people do this because of jokes that aren't taken as jokes and for not having there attention from family that they should or other problems they might have.  Suicide can occur with anyone but it is found mostly vulnerable by teenagers.

4. a topic that interest me is gay rights. this topic interest me because people treat them different and like they are not human. i feel that this is very important because everyone gay straight green or blue is the same and is all equal. this is important because society judges gay people and it isn't fair nor right. gay marriage should be equal and legalized all around the world. all that should matter in society is if  person is happy and as long as they are doing the right thing (following the law) it shouldn't matter what they like or how they act. i believe everyone was put into this world equal and for the same purpose to be happy and successful. this interest me because it relates to many other topics and turns back to human rights.

5. Another topic that interest me is date rape/dating violence. By looking into the database on the topic of date rape it says that one in four teenagers are getting verbally mentally physically and emotionally abused in a relationship. this interest me because i know more than one in four teenagers most likely get abused like this in a relationship whether it is a boy or girl. this is important and a topic that interest me because many people get abused in a relationship and don't say anything and don't know how to deal with it. this interest me because many relationships start at a young age now a days and if people are getting any type of abuse they should have a way to deal with it and together the couple should be able to over come it.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Make a list of four or five things that "tick you off." Explain why. (Choose significant things that others might experience as well. For instance, your little brother might tick you off, but there is little chance that this annoyance will yield a possible paper topic). It is possible that one of these annoyances can be transformed into an interesting, engaging, and researchable project.

-{trafficing} when people drive like a crazy person and cuts people off. (the way people park)
This ticks me off because people get mad when they are late and have to rush so they drive crazy if they just leave a little early or call in where ever they are going to say that they are going to be late they do not have to rush. this really ticks me off because people do not know how much of a risk factor it is not just for other people but for themselves as well.This gets me most mad when they someone cuts them off or signals to go in front of them they get mad. I feel that this can be avoid if there was a law everyone let one person in on a yield or traffic switch lane. They should defiantly make it a law that every so often you have to go back to a 5 hour 2 day class to refresh the drivers minds and inform them that it is a BIG risk factor.

-{no eye contact or interest}when i am talking to someone and they are looking around and not paying attention to what i say.
Speech is a very big thing in life. people present speeches every day even if its a long plain conversation between two friends it is still a speech. A sign of respect is when someone is talking and you look at them and give them eye contact. when people do not look at me in my eyes when i am talking i feel like the person is not listening  and does not care about anything i have to say.Making eye contact is important and is taught when you born. Eye contact can tell a lot about a person. When someone looks you in your eyes they can see right through your soul they can tell if your lieing, nervous, scared, guilty, and etc.  Eye contact is important in almost every way of having a conversation.

-when people think it is okay to be rude or disrespect and expect that person to be all nice and sweet.
It really ticks me off when people yell and act tough when there not and expect you to be nice and sweet. I hate when people take out there anger and frustration on you when you did not have anything to do with it. it really ticks me off to know that people put themselves so low to just be mad at the world but expect others to be happy and nice. It does not cost anything to be nice and kind to people especially if you do not know them. 
-when i eat dinner by myself.
This ticks me off because i live with 5 other people and almost every night i come home and eat by myself. I hate this because i feel like dinner is the second important meal of the day and it is a meal that should be ate with family.This ticks me off because i get lonely and it is not how the end of the day for anyone should be. 

Josette Roman extra credit

1. Why does the author, Nicholas Carr, feel like his mind is changing as a result of the Internet?  Nicholas carr feels like his mind is changing due to the internet. This Is due to him noticing that he can’t read a book anymore. He seems to find himself losing intrest in books and the narrators point quickly. He feels he been spending to much time on the web whether it is at work or on other things. He has been searching the web and suffing the internet a lot.
2. How does doing research today compare with doing research in a library in the old days, before the Internet? (I know you weren't around 20 years ago, but answer this based on what knowledge you have gathered about libraries in your lifetime).
Doing research on the internet is faster. Back then people used books in libraries to find information on whatever they needed. This information found in books is more reliable and is better for peoples mind. In a library they have a section of non-fiction and fiction books whereas online there is no specific place to find fiction and non-fiction information it is all scrambled. On line you can edit a page for example Wikipedia where as if you edit a text in a book they will see you obviously wrote in the book. Online you can find out anything in quick seconds.

3. How has Nicholas Carr's reading habits changed because of the Internet?
His habits change due to his behavior. He spends a lot of time on the internet. When he reads a book he is less interested. His mind barely gets caught up in the narrative since he began to spend more time on the internet. When he reads a book he gets fidgety. Now a days people have less patients to read a book they rather just get quick information on the internet.

4. How is reading online different than reading a long article or book? Is there a difference? Explain.
Reading online is different from reading an actually paper copy of a article or book. This is different because online you don’t know what you are reading. The article can be plagerized or can be made up. A paper copy of an article or a book is better because you can write on it and keep it for any extra purposes. Online articles and books can also hurt your eyes and brain. Due to looking at the screen and reading it off of a screen for a long period of time can strain your eyes and make you not focus when an actual paper is in front of you.

5. Do you agree or disagree that our minds think like computers? Explain.
I agree our mind does think like computers. Our mind thinks like computers in some ways like when we calculate things we can calculate things without thinking sometimes. Also we can multitask which a computer does do. We are able to think quickly and respond to any action quick which makes us like computers.

6. Do you agree or disagree that the computer "is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies?"
I agree because the internet and computer has everything we need all in one. The computer is a combination of everything. It has was to communicate, internet, books, factual and non-factual information, it teaches us many things, and is a tool that anyone can use.

7. Why do you think The New York Times changed its format? Do you think it was a good idea or a bad idea? Why?
The new York times changed to fit the “new media rules”. I believe that the new York times shouldn’t have changed because it is making it easier for people to not have to turn a page in the newspaper. The more shortcuts people have the more lazy and less intelligent we have of getting.

8. What does Nicholas Carr mean by "knowledge work?"
Nicholas carr focused on the internet as a machine designed for the efficient and automated collection transmission proccesser. He basically sees the internet as a fast and hand on machine that transports the greatest and all technology. The computer and internet is a knowledge work. Knowledge work is viewed as a best method that can carry out every mental movement of what weve come to describe. The knowledge work holds every piece of information that is possible the old and new and is a waythat it can be pasted on from person to person.
9. Do you agree or disagree that Google has been successful in its mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful?"
I believe it is successful. I believe that google is used daily worldwide. Google provides people with everything an di feel that that is its way of giving back. Most of the information google provides for people is legitimate and factual.

10. How does Google's mission compare with a library's mission in light of the fact that there is no fiction or nonfiction section on the Internet, but there is a fiction and a nonfiction section in a library and that all the books are organized on the shelves in a library, but "scattered on the floor" of the Internet?
When searching in google usually people use a key term or one word. This helps interent pick out the best information and make it more factual and nonfiction.

11. Do you think it would be a good thing if your own brain and intelligence were "supplemented, or even replaced, by an artificial intelligence?"
I don’t think it would be a good thing for our brains to be replaced with a artificial intelligence. I don’t think this because our minds aren’t machines. We cant hold so much information. If our minds where to switch how would we learn and how would we be updated. Our brain wouldn’t be able to hold it and everyone would have the same answer for one thing.

12. Do you think that the human brain is "just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive?" Why or why not?
No I don’t think this because a computer gets the information from a human. Someone around the world is constantly changing things on the internet and is putting the internet to a test when providing it with fictional information.

13. What do you think about your own surfing habits, the links you click on and the pages you view, being an opportunity for "Google and other companies to collect information about you and to feed you advertisements?"
I believe that our online habits aren’t good. Many people become addicted to the web and to socail media applications. This isn’t good because all our personal information is out on the online open and there are many hackers. This can lead to an easy way of identity theft.

14. How does the above compare to reading a book? Do you agree or disagree that companies online, collecting data about us by what we click on and view, are using subversive tactics to discourage "leisurely reading," and "slow, concentrated thought?" Are you yourself driven to distraction while on the Web? How or how not?

15. Do you agree with Socrates that the development of writing led to people using the written word as a substitute for the knowledge they carried around in their heads? Why or why not?

16. Do you think the Internet is doing the same thing? Why or why not? How or how not?

17. How do your own reading habits compare to what Nicholas Carr describes in this article?
I don’t like to read. I personally would prefer to look it up online and go through the web to find the answer unless it is like a short story then I would rather have it in front of me.
18. So, do you think Google really is making us stupid? Why or why not? How or how not?

Google isn’t making us stupid. We make ourselves stupid if you believe the stupid information google posts sometimes. If you use google you should use it and not abuse it. Google is just a website which consists of a lot of information. You must read and watch what every website says. Google doesn’t make us stupid you google something to find out something new or something you are un sure about. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

  1. What did wiki software allow Web users to do that the Mosaic browser did not?  
           - the wiki works by allowing users to modify Web pages—not by having an editing tool in their browser but by clicking and typing directly onto Web pages that ran wiki software

         2.What do blogs and wikis have in common?
         -both provide software that is available to anyone. people can modify it and use it

        3.What problem did a young Jimmy Wales find with the World Book Encyclopedia?
          - wales explained that larry's view was that if we didn’t make it more academic than a traditional encyclopedia, people wouldn’t believe in it and respect it
        4.How was Jimmy Wales inspired by the World Book Encyclopedia to create Wikipedia?
         -it would be free and volunteers could do it. 

          5.How have encyclopedias inspired you in your own life?
           -it is inspiring because it gives us world information about anything you research. 

         6.Why did Nupedia fail?
        -Nupedia had only about a dozen articles published. it became useless.

           7.How did wiki software change the ideas behind Nupedia?
            -the application of wiki software to Nupedia in order to create Wikipedia—combining two ideas to create an innovation

          8.What is “crowdsourcing?”
          -it is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. 

     9.What do you think about the concept of “any fool in the world” being able to write articles for Wikipedia?

  -i do not like that the wikipedia is able to be edited by any person anywhere. this makes wikipedia unreliable.

10.Do agree with the idea that “total idiots” could edit Wikipedia and of that being a good thing? Explain
  -i do not agree with this. there are people out there that change wikipedia to say anything with a topic that does not match the information. it is not a good thing because if anyone could change wikipedia than it is a non reliable source of information. 

11.Why do you think Wikipedia grew so fast and became so popular in such a short amount of time
-wikipedia is the first source that pops up on google and it gives simple information. alot of people use it to have the information fast without looking through the web.

      12.Do you believe Sanger’s elitist attitude was a good thing or a bad thing for Wikipedia?
  -i believe this is not a good thing because he was just trying to find the fastest solution to their problem.

13.What did you learn from the anecdote about the Wikipedia article on Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935

-i learned that wikipedia can not be reliable all the time. if you are reseaching you need to read everything that is on the resource.

14.Explain this quote from the article: “I can’t imagine who could have written such detailed guidelines other than a bunch of people working together...It’s common in Wikipedia that we’ll come to a solution that’s really well thought out because so many minds have had a crack at improving it.”

15.The author of the article states that Wikipedia “grew organically.” What does he mean by that?

16.How has Wikipedia “been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history?” 

17.Based on your own opinion and experience with Wikipedia, do you agree with the above statement or disagree with it? Explain.

18.What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?”

19.Based on the article, do you believe Wikipedia is a reliable source of information?

20.Do you believe its possible for a 16-year-old from New Jersey to write “insightful” Wikipedia articles?

21.How do you feel about basing your own research on something a 16-year-old wrote on Wikipedia

22.What does Jimmy Wales mean by this mission statement: “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge?”

23.Do you agree or disagree with this mission statement?

24.Do you think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission?
-no i do not think wikipedia is successful in its misson. it still has a easy way to be edited by anyone and is not to reliable.

25.Do you agree or disagree that ordinary people, people without degrees, can “be part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” 

26.Based on your reading of the article, would you yourself use Wikipedia for your academic research?

27.Would you yourself like to write and/or edit Wikipedia articles in order to be “a part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” Why or why not?