Tuesday, November 25, 2014

5 topics that interest me:

1. drunk driving is a topic that interest me. This interest me because i have experienced a tragic accident with a drunk driver. i feel that there are a lot of new drivers on the road that are young and drunk driving is going to be a major problem. In the last few years a lot of people have been ding due to drunk drivers. driving drunk is something that can be stopped easily. everyone should know not to drive drunk because you are putting your life as well as others in serious danger. many innocent people get hurt and killed due to intoxication. Drunk driving is a major topic i am into because people should never make that decision to put themselves in that seat behind the wheel when they can simply walk or catch a cab and everyone can be safe.

2.Racial discrimination is another major topic that interest me. this topic interest me because so many people judge others for who they simply are. i believe that racial discrimination shouldn't be aloud. many people judge others for some stupid actions people do. this is a major problem now a days because kids are growing up learning to dislike others just because of there background. i personally feel everyone is equal and has an equal opportunity of doing things. kids shouldn't be taught at a young age to dislike each other if they should be taught about liking and disliking a person it should always be liking a person because were all the same. it is one thing to judge a person because they are a murder but even at that everyone makes mistakes and does stupid things. it isn't okay for people to get away with things but it isn't okay for people to be discriminated for who they are.

3. Another topic that interest me is teenager suicide. teenage suicide has been a big issue lately. many teenagers come to this because they have lack of attention or have a traumatic past of being bullied. people do this because of jokes that aren't taken as jokes and for not having there attention from family that they should or other problems they might have.  Suicide can occur with anyone but it is found mostly vulnerable by teenagers.

4. a topic that interest me is gay rights. this topic interest me because people treat them different and like they are not human. i feel that this is very important because everyone gay straight green or blue is the same and is all equal. this is important because society judges gay people and it isn't fair nor right. gay marriage should be equal and legalized all around the world. all that should matter in society is if  person is happy and as long as they are doing the right thing (following the law) it shouldn't matter what they like or how they act. i believe everyone was put into this world equal and for the same purpose to be happy and successful. this interest me because it relates to many other topics and turns back to human rights.

5. Another topic that interest me is date rape/dating violence. By looking into the database on the topic of date rape it says that one in four teenagers are getting verbally mentally physically and emotionally abused in a relationship. this interest me because i know more than one in four teenagers most likely get abused like this in a relationship whether it is a boy or girl. this is important and a topic that interest me because many people get abused in a relationship and don't say anything and don't know how to deal with it. this interest me because many relationships start at a young age now a days and if people are getting any type of abuse they should have a way to deal with it and together the couple should be able to over come it.

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